As India moves forward to realize the minimum government and maximum governance goal, there is a need to provide focused interventions, necessitating an integrated sector-level analysis aimed at unlocking the growth potential of women and children. There is also a need to integrate different programs and holistically approach this particular sector development plan.

Children are the principal assets of any nation. Effort and time invested in children pave the way for the futuristic growth of the country. The Humanity Welfare Council has started an initiative, Project Phulwari, to recognise and modernise the Anganwadi centres. We strive to ensure that children are given proper care in a harmonious atmosphere where they will get sufficient opportunities and dexterities for the improved education system, guidance, and coaching for their overall development to become good citizens in the future.

Women's and Children's Rights

The crime rate against women has seen its peak in India. Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India. Violence against women is widespread, limiting their educational opportunities, earning potential as well as imposing tremendous economic and social costs. Additionally, the pandemic has exposed the fault lines of gender equality, increasing the incidences of domestic violence during the lockdown.

Furthermore, malnutrition creates for an alarming situation among poor women and children in India, which leads to reduced work performance and illness.

India is taking a tough call on this situation. As a result, we have initiated significant steps toward solving the issues related to the women and children in our country.

What Do We Do?

Our government has taken several initiatives to uplift the worsening condition of women and children through the following programs:
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Campaign

A social initiative launched on January 22, 2015, to eradicate female foeticide and create awareness concerning the welfare services intended for young girls.


An initiative effective from April 1, 2015, with the 'Nirbhaya' fund has established centres across India to provide shelter, police desk, legal, medical, and counseling services to violence victims under one roof with a 24/7 helpline.

Working Women Hostels

These shelters are established to provide safe and secure accommodation for working women, with daycare facilities for their children, in all areas where employment opportunities for women exist.

Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS)

This is one of the significant initiatives that represents one of the most extensive programs for early childhood development. Toddlers aged 0-6 years, pregnant women, and lactating mothers are covered under this scheme.

HWC Interventions

The Humanity Welfare Council aims at protecting the interests of underprivileged people, which can never be achieved without uplifting the worsening condition of women and children, as the roots of victory of any country are sown in its women and children. Children are the future of our country, and women are the ones who nurture them.

HWC has set the following standards to uplift the aggravating condition of women and children in India :

  1. Initiating a wave of gender equality.
  2. Providing basic amenities and balanced nutrition to every child and woman in India.
  3. Eradicating rape, child abuse, and other related crimes from the grassroots level.
  4. Enhancing programs on awareness and literacy among women and children.
  5. Collecting data and finding a root cause for domestic violence and eradicating it.

Our team has designed innovative strategies and dedicated plans to uplift women and children's overall health, development, and condition in every sphere. We are tirelessly working at the national and state level to implement strategic plans and bring onboard some new developmental initiatives to improve the overall condition of women and children.

So, let’s join hands to work towards the welfare of women and children in India.

Women's and Children's Rights

In India, a child has the right to be protected from neglect, exploitation, violence, commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labor, abuse at home and elsewhere, and harmful traditional practices to name a few.

The Constitution of India guarantees to all Indian women equality (Article 14), no discrimination by the State (Article 15(1)), equality of opportunity (Article 16), equal pay for equal work (Article 39(d)) and Article 42.

Children in India face early marriage, domestic abuse, sexual violence, violence at home and in school, trafficking, online violence, child labour and bullying. All forms of violence, abuse and exploitation have long-lasting consequences on children's lives.

HWC holds its vision for every child of a life in all its fullness. We believe that free and quality education, free health services and access to free legal aid are fundamental rights of every child, and we are committed to it. By supporting us and becoming our members, we can connect the human civilization to initiate the overall development of societies in a positive and productive direction. Join us by becoming our member, visit

At HWC, we believe every child deserves a childhood, surrounded by protective families and communities, free from violence, and with the opportunity to thrive and the experience the abundant life.

We, with our projects and programmes empower families and their communities to protect children’s rights. We engage all people who have a responsibility to protect children, starting with families, communities, and extending to teachers, hospitals, government agencies.

HWC advocates protection for children to ensure they are healthy, protected, and thriving.

Every woman should have the freedom to make her own choices and claim her rights. HWC, with its projects and programs work towards ensuring the rights of all women are respected, valued and realised.

Through our volunteering programs, fundraising programs, events and collaboration with other organizations, we help womankind achieve our vision of a world where the rights of all women are respected, valued and realised.